Gareth McGregor-Langley
#2 Outfield
Sehlabi Molokoane
#4 Infield
Duncan Small
#6 Infield
Malesela Phasha
#8 Infield
Francois Steyn
#9 Pitcher
Lindsey Kerchhoff
#10 Infield
Mogau Thupudi
#11 Utility
Phomolo Phaladi
#12 Catcher
Isaiah Chepape
#13 Catcher
Javier Frost
#14 Utility
William Thomason
#15 Utility
Phokoane Mapheto
#16 Outfield
Tidima Kekana
#18 Pitcher
Brandon Bouillon
#21 Infield
Frans Mogashoa
#31 Pitcher
Cristopher Bann
#41 Infield
Forthius Dau
Head Coach
Michele Williams
Selekeng Nong
#Team Manager
Derick Mahapa
Head of Delegation
Butana Muroa
Deputy Head of Delegation